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LANDOLL Forklift Truck Specs PDF

Landoll LSC25-30 StandUp Ride Lift Brochure
Landoll LSC25-30 StandUp Ride Lift Brochure
Landoll LSC25-30 StandUp Ride Lift Broch
Adobe Acrobat Document 469.6 KB
Landoll forklift
Landoll Forklift Truck

Landoll Forklift Trucks History

LANDOLL Forklift Truck Brochure PDF is above the page.


Landoll Corporation is an American manufacturer of agricultural, trailed and forklift equipment.


In 1963, the Quick Service Welding Company established a small repair shop. The first developments for agriculture were presented in 1968, in 1969 the production of trailers was started.


In 1975, Landoll Corporation was registered. In October 2007, Landoll Corporation bought out ICON Industries, which allowed it to enter the market of scrapers.


The company actively cooperates with the US military.


BENDI, DREXEL & PT40 are the part of Landoll Corporation.

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